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Monday, May 23, 2016

Company Annual Dinner 2016

This year cuma Annual Dinner sahaja no outing .. last year i missed it due to BIL wedding.. 

This year dinner diadakan di Hotel Premiere Klang ( again) ..we had propose few places but due to the convinience of the Operators the place still maintain at premiere Hotel .

Theme annual dinner :  Star and shine with us.. err theme paling susah..takde idea nak pakai apa..last2 baju kurung ajelaa.. itu pun baju kurung pakai masa Shat's wedding 5 tahun dulu..hehh.. alhamdulillah muat lagi..

This year lucky draw banyak hebat juga.. ada Mini Ipad2.. I Phone 6s , TV 32 and 42 inch. and the list goes on..

alhamdulillah for the past 4 years hadiah untuk lucky draw tak pernah mengecewakan.. and all the personnel are happy with it.. 

                                                       with my collegue, Hazan from R&D Department

                                               collegues from R&D and QA

 Dinner ends around 11,30pm juga.. erkk nasib baik En Husband baik hati nak hantarkan dan tunggu sampai habis dinner..dia habiskan masa lepak lobby..jalan -jalan kat tesco sebelah dan lepak lobby balik sebelum  event ends..

 Next year dinner outing pula ...tak sure ke mana lagi..hopefully tempat best laa ..

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