We started the day in the morning by cleaning the house..move all the chairs outside and prepare the buffet table..since we plan for only a small occasion for relative and friends we did not put up any tent or order some tables and chairs..
the food arrive at around 11.00am..For lunch we had daging salai masak lemak, daging kicap, ikan bakar,pecal, ayam goreng and sambal udang,not forgetting fruits and air mata kucing..by 12.00 pm we receive our first guests. Aunty Mimi, Uncle Lamdek and Tok Rokiah were the first one.. ohhhh not forgetting baby Eusoff..Adli and i had a great time kacau baby Eusof..heheheh
by 1.00pm most of the guests arrived...it was full house.. Tok Maya brought some lovely pudding to share with all the guests..we had a simple cake cutting ceremony for both of us..
Adli and i were so excited mingling with our guests.. we had a great time running here and there, playing balloons with the cousins and uncles.. Adli had a race and play "baloon rugby "wih Uncle Amir..
Aunty Ri came at around 2.30pm and brought some yummy "cheesecake"..Aunty Ri your cake laku OK..dah tinggal sikit aje..
Oooh i forgot to mention, tok Pon and family also drop by from JB..today was also the day to bid farewell to Uncle Shah, aunty Shukriah and both hanans as they were leaving for uk..BON VOYAGE..and till we meet again next year insyaallah..
Thank you very -very much to everyone who come and celebrate with us in this small occasion.. thank you for the lovely presents, thank you for the RM given,we appologize kalau ada apa-apa kekurangan..
here are some pictures we had updated, we will update more pictures in our fotopages later ok..enjoyyyy...
Sorry we couldn't arrive earlier...sibuk sikit. It was fun jumpa everybody and thank you too for the tapau..hehehe!!
Thank you to Uncle Rahim and family for inviting us to the majlis. Seronok dapat jumpa Najla, Adli and newborn Alis and Eusoff...bertambah lagi keluarga Haji Othman...moga2 tali persaudaraan akan kekal hingga akhir hayat...amin...
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