Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Rafeeq admitted at DEMC
bersiaran dari DEMC,,, Rafeeq was admitted to DEMC yesterday nite due to AGE..AGE stands for Acute Gastro Enteritis..the symptoms of AGE is vommit, dehydration,diarrhea with loose stools and also fever.. A few days back he had on and off fever with a temperature of 39 and comes with a package of flu, cough and runny nose..after doses of Paracetamol Syrup, Nurofen Syrup, Zyrtec syrup and Salbutamol Syrup it is still not resolved..
On Sunday evening we went to DEMC A& E department to seek opinion..so MO instructed for Blood test..result ok ..yesterday after balik kerja Suci our maid told us that he still have fever and dah 3x diarhea..so wanna seek opinion from Dr Ahmad..
Alhamdulillah smlm evening clinic Dr Ahmad tak ramai orang pun..so cerita-cerita tak doctor bout symptom rafeeq so dr Ahmad suggest for admission untuk monitoring...as rafeeq is not so active, mata a bit sunken, less minum susu and makan..Dr Ahmad ajar tanda-tanda dehydration in infant which parents should watch out is sunken eyes,, dry skin,red lips, menangis tak keluar air mata and also no wet diapers dalam masa 3 jam..sbb kena treat for dehydration ASAP..
for Rafeeq case its monitoring to prevent dehydration and also to look for rotavirus..although he completed all 3 doses of rotavirus vaccines kemungkinan untuk dijangkiti memang ada cuma kalau dijangkiti tak seteruk tanpa vaksin..itu menurut kata dr laa..
Around 8.45pm sume dah ready dah for Rafeeq, Dr Ahmad yang set sendiri IV line dia which i am more confident compared to kalau nurse setkan line..yerlaa since he is soo small jadi dia punya urat pun tersangatlaa halus..takut kalau nurse tak dpt cari nanti rafeeq kena cucuk banyak kali..
by 9pm dah start his first drip of Saline half strength..alhamdulillah barulaaa dia nampak ceria and also aktif kembali...siap jerit-jerit lagi macam biasa..kalau tak senyap aje..nak lompat-lompat pun takda tenaga..
this morning masih demam..so Dr Ahmad tukar plan nak kasi IV antibiotik nanti untuk turunkan demam dia..hopefully by tomorrow boleh laa discharge and he is back on his normal self..insya'allah..
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Wet World... Shah Alam
Today kami ajak kids terjah wet world shah alam..pernah pergi sekali..tak ingat tahun berapa tah...so since skrg dah duk Shah Alam and hbubby promise nak bawak kids main air sepuas-puasnye, so terus ajelaa ke Wet World Shah Alam..
We arrive around 11am..ramai dahh orang sbb ada family day ..entrance fee dah naik dah..dulu RM10 aje and kids free..skrg RM 20 utk adult and RM16 utk kids... facility pun dah upgrade..dulu takde pun cabana-cabana untuk disewa..duduk kat meja aje..nowdays sape nak rehat lama boleh sewa Cabana..RM50 per cabana..since we all bawak banyak benda srwa ajelaa cabana tue..senang nak rehat2 n baring-baring..
Kids really enjoy main air..termasuklaa rafeeq... Cik abang Emran penakut air...huhu dia nak mandi tempat shallow aje,.....bila dalam sikit dah takut...najla macam biasa terover excited main air..najla dah besar senang sikit nak ajak dia main kat pool yang lebih dalam sikit + ajak dia main slide air tue...memang seronok laa main..
Rafeeq pun enjoy main air...selepas penat main dia tido seround kat cabana selama almost sejam jugak...then bangun terus bibik ajak sambung main air lagi..memang seronok dia tepuk-tepuk air..
boleh laa pergi Wet World lagi after this..dekat pun dekat..harga pun boleh laa berbaloi kalau nak duduk lelama sampai kecut tapak tangan n kaki..hehehe..nak ke sunway lagoon mahal sangat..around RM60 per person..kalau masuk Sunway lagoon haruslaa duduk dari pagi sampai dia tutup supaya ianya sangat berbaloi dengan harga yg dibayar..
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
BBQ gatherting tersangattt meriah...
Last saturday nite berpakat dgn kawan-kawan sekerja untuk mengadakan potluck + BBQ ..tersangatlaa happening...alhamdulillah bersyukur sangat mempunyai rakan-rakan sekerja yang sangat happening....
it was purely a gotong royong event..the husband all incharge of the grill while kaum-kaum wanita pulak busy menyediakan hidangan yg dibawa..
kids having fun playing with each other..insya'allah we will plan for more get together and pot luck..seronok sesangat..
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
My boys... emran and rafeeq
Emran favourite toys is motorbike ini...he really adores it sooo much sampai sapa-sapa yg usik dia akan mengamuk...huhu..dengan kakak pun tak nak share..kalau adik usik tayar aje he will gets angry..adoiii laa emran..he will not share his things with anyone..
yesterday rafeeq hold tayar motor terseb ut..dia nampak..apalagi terus menjerit laa abang tue tak nak kasi adik usik..he quickly want's to rampas the bike and dia terus aje langgar tangan rafeeq..meraung-raunglaa si rafeeq...huhuuh..
adoi laa emran...he will be 3 years old next month..semua macam tak percaya aje coz ingat dia 5 years old tgk dari fizikal dia..
Saturday, May 05, 2012
its May already
kejap sahaja dah masu bulan May...had been abandon this writing thing for a while since am a bit busy at office and home..
my boys makin lasak..hadoii mana umminya tak kurus..^_^...emran will be a selfish type yang tak nak share things or toys with his little brother..apa yang adik pegang sume dia rampas,rampas..rampas...then he will cry if he saw adik playing with his cars..
Rafeeq pulak jenis yang lasak...masih belum merangkak lagi..just mengesot dengan laju..same as abang emran he loveees... foood....apa sahaja orang makan time tu dia akan try to rampas and ngap,ngap..ngap.
Its already half a year and we will have to look back what we had achieved for this year so far..am trying to get some opportunities for a better living,.insya'allah...
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