For my Dad.... YEss its his first ever vacation...
we are so exhausted and tired so we decided to plan for a short vacation..we plan to go to tempat dekat ajelaa...pergi Port Dickson..i invited shatirah,mum, dad, aunty Maya, Uncle Faroq, Adi + family to tag along..sajer aje jalan -jalan ke pd sambil bawa the kids mandi laut n tido hotel
its a first so called vacation for my dad after his stroke attack..sejak kena stroke my dad was quite sensitive with his surrounding..he don't want to go out or go anywhere except to NASAM..we have to understand his feelings as a sick man..yesss memang perlukan kesabaran yang tinggi.. ( i really salute my beloved Mummy for the kesabaran..)for those who know my dad i guess you all know how his attitude we really had to understand him..How is it fell to be in a wheelchair most of the time...not easy to understand the feeling unless we are in his shoes.. my dad masa dia sihat everyday dia berdoa tak kena stroke tapi takdir ALLAH.. and he had to accept the faith dengan penuh kesabaran...
Adi + family tak dapat we all went in 2 cars..We booked a 2 Apartment suites at Ancasa All suites, PD.. tolak from TTDI around 10.00am slow drive sampai kat PD around noon...Tempat dia awsome juga laa...bilik memang cantik and sesuai for family vacation...owhhh by the way before going to PD i emailed the customer service officer at Ancasa telling them about my dad condition and requested for a lower floor... so they all dah ready laa...Customer service dia ok and very helpfull ..they help with the bags etc ...memang banyak laa since we needed to bring my dad punya peralatan..
One of the rooms
After lunch yang disponsor oleh Aunty Maria (consist of Rendang Ayam,Sambal Udang, rendang daging,nasi himpit..Nasi lemak masak kat hotel guna rice cooker..) ..semua rehat sebelum plan nak ke pantai that evening except us.....Since Najla was so excited nak mandi after Zohor bawa Najla and Emran ke pool...owhhhh few days before Emran demam panas which make us worried juga laa coz his temperature turun naik turun naik..Ended up we did not sleep at night taking care of him tuam -tuam his head giving all sorts of medicine etc and lastly ended up bringing him to DSH on Friday morning around 3.30am..Dr said it was tonsilitis..but we rasa because dia nak tumbuh gigi atas ( gigi kapak) and also viral infection..Dr gave some medicine and masuk half suppositories kat punggung dia..i question the doctor boleh ke masuk supp for a baby less than 1 year since my knowledge was the supp not recommended for children below 1 year.. i also never ever advice my customers to beli Voltaren Supp for the children less than a year.. Dr said kalau half boleh tapi tak boleh insert lagi coz it will damage the liver for children below 1 year..We bring all the medicine to PD..ended up hubby insist nak rendamkan Emran juga kat pool nak hilangkan panas badan Emran pun kena laa mandi skali..awal -awal dia nangis coz takut air ...hehehe..memang drama king betul..last -last baru Ok..

Tengah hari mandi pool for 2 hours then naik bilik rehat kejap..lepas Asar pergi pantai pulak.,,,hahaha,,,yerlaa dah duk sehari je mestilaa manfaatkan sepenuhnya masa tue...hihihi..takkan nak duk dalam bilik aje..rugi duit...petang tue insist untuk bawa lagi Emran and Najla mandi pantai pulak...sadly the pantai was a bit dirty..tak syok mandi langsung...orang pun agak ramai since its a public beach bukan private beach..Aunty Maria wanted naik the banana ride but was quite costly..around naik ramai jimat laa tapi susah laa nak naik since we all pun tak cukup corum and takkan nak bawa Emran n Najla naik..Nak naik boat i guess i mabuk skip that activity..ended up Aunty Maria, Uncle Faroq and Shat stroll along the pantai sampai sunset., Dad tak nak turun pantai he just watched from the balcony..Mum turun for a short while saje ambil angin before naik balik to teman dad..We all ?...kejap ajelaa ke pantai then sambung balik mandi pool...hehehe..petang tu kat pool ada activiti menari dalam air.. hubby and najla participate with the activity..mereka suruh exercise dalam air and also do the chicken dance..Ada juga poney ride..maybe next time laa..

Drama King Emran..
Malam after dinner semua dah kepenatan.. Emran and Najla slept well.. Next morning after breakfast..sambung lagi kat pool sebelum check out..the breakfast was superb..ada pankek,bubur,nasi goreng,meehun, ayam goreng, fruits, bread also enjoy it..we requested for his breakfast to be served they send it up to our apartment.. thumbs up for the service..

Around10.30am we all pun check out..We really had a great time laa..should do it more often..kalau ramai- ramai memang seronok laa..owhhh by the way Emran lepas kena rendam 2-3 kali terus baik demam..hehehe,,,so hubby kata next time kalau dia demam kena bawa tido hotel laa rendam dia kat pool..:-PP...We find out that Emran dia jarang dapat sakit but once dia sakit ambil masa lama sket nak sembuh although with all the medicines...probably because he is G6PD deficiency while on the other hand Najla senang juga dapat infection dari persekitaran dia like batuk/demam/ selsema but once given medication + little bit of antibiotik dia cepat aje sihat semula..masa nak balik Najla ended up batuk batuk sket coz tak cukup rehat..tapi overall she's ok laa after her ummi kasi all sorts of medicine..;-))